The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)


619 Winter's Worst Blizzard. (Continued front First Puge.) The Times Free. IF ffU "if ffTmi 2n it- rn mi Rti Wstj-tlilrd Congress. ROOT REBUKES PAPE'S BREAKS A COLD AT ONCE Don't stap stuff cd-upl End grippe misery with Pape's Cold Relief comes Instantly. A done taken every two hour until throe doses are taken- will end grippe misery and break up uevero cold either In th head, cheat, body or llrnhg.

APVEHTISINrt COPT AND STTTtSCrHPTIONB DECEIVED. TIB TTM13 FRXBS INFORMATION AND ltfiriORT BUREAU for the aeeomnVHlat1o and beneflt of persons eeeklnc Internum routes of travel, desirable hotels and real recreation and recuperation at the eeaahore or In the. mountains. particulars are furnished by competent attendant and by correspondence to ths federal public rererdliia; rates and attraction of railroad and steamship line, hotsia and pleasure and health resorts. Photorrsphs, descriptive jtrrulare and tranaportatlon lltera-tur ara kept en hand for Inspection and distribution, Times readera can obtain hera la tew minutes without the dflay Incident to writing for It, all tha Information necessary lor a safe and enloyahla Journey or vacation Thin service la absolutely free.

Literature euso tray obtained at ttt Kw Tlms Building, Ilrnsdway at Ftrat street. a ONTEMPI.ATIVO VISITIVO t.OS A NOBLES ARE PRIVILEdKD TO HAVB THEIR MAIL ADDllRSSED TO THB TPADIUM SULPHUR? -a. -V- Lim amilltDlVKt Take Baths in Liquid Sunshine NATURAL MINERAL WATKTU IT SPARKLES AND FOAMS 1.1KB CHAMPA (3 NR. Drink tlia mint radio-active natural curative mineral water. It purl-blood, keeps you young, revivifies, rejuvenates your whole body.

HOT BATHS cure Rheumatism, Colds, Poor Circulation, Sciatica, Diabetes, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, madder, Blood, Brlght'e, Nervous and Femnla Troubles. Makes lln velvety, atop hair fall-ln out. Physician In charge, Send for Booklet. Water dnllvered. West Ktx'h Street JlnjMr.) Avenue cars.

Fifth and Broadway, direct- to springs. Telephone 69401. ALTADENA Lung and Throat Diseases SANITARIUM Branch TREE TEA 167 North Orange Orova Avenue. Luncheon from 13 to Tea, 3 to Table d'Hote Plrmer. to order; Sunday, aupper only, to I p.m.

Phone Colorado 5628. A MILLION That'a from ITYiT A HIt rVTTirV(C TAVERN. Rooms tl, meals a la carte from II J) Itf lltt JJr eenta up. Reaervatlona at Pacific Electrlo lufcw-IVKl HAIAVi ILoV matlon Bureau Home 021. Main S0.

Aitgrlra IJotrlfl EUSTON APARTMENTS 1821 South Main Street JUST OPENED NEWLY FURNISHED ALL SUNNY OUTSIDE APARTMENTS 60 beautifully furnished single-room apartments, strictly modern In eyery detail, continuous elevator service. ROOF GARDEN. SPACIOUS LOBBY Oas and Electricity Free Within walking distance of the business center. South Spring war BU office Suits 411-415 Llssner Bldg. Hour 2 to 3.

Pasadena what tha Hghta of Loa Angeles look like Mt Low. Stay all night at Te ALPINB nvib Apartmr nt0 lie larwicfc A BEAUTIFtTL new fireproof structure Juat out of the noisy. congested districts. A fine view from every window. Equipped with Roof Oarden, Assembly, Billiard and Card Rooms and enjoylnft the soclnl activities of the seawm.

HEAT ALL DAY, and priced to meet tlia demands of the present financial crisis. Take Eleventh Ht.icar to Lake Ht. Home riiona 657327. Wllshlre 4160. M.

D. CAMDEN, Proprietor. APARTMENTS magnificent fiOBtelry for comfort and luxury. HOTEL GREEN PASADENA afternoon 1-3, 4-6; evening, S-J, by Big. string Sextet.

Table d'Hota Luncheon, SPECIAL RATES American Tlan $2.00 Per Day $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 Per Week No. 401 South Garnd Avenue. anb (Eafctrriaa Special Opening Rates gt THE ENQSTRUM i r. i .1 i M- 633 WEST FIFTH ST. FIVE MINUTES FROM BROADWAY.

Los Angeles' Fashionable Downtown Apartment Hotel. 98 Apartments tastefully furnished with view to comfort and elegance. and service that satisfies the most reflned taste. Absolutely fireproof, new, root garden, sun parlor, ballroom, gentleman's beautiful lobby. Perfect venttlatlnpr, ateam and filtered water systems throughout Perfect hotnl service.

NO EXTRA CHARGE for washing dishes, dally of apartment, telephones. Kft. electricity, or use of ballroom for parties. It's a Great Country, onMal Re-Iorl Say, and All Sorts ot Uerrles Will Hurlvc There. I HIT P.

IMY. WIRE TO TUB Jun, 31. Contrary to tho tcenril tmpresalon. home-grown curranta, straw berrl.ja, raspberries, Kooaoberrlei nd cran berries ars plentiful in Alaska and, as determined by soiL climate nd toposrraphlcal condltlais, farming 's poHBlblo on approximately 100,000 square miles of territory. The mean annual temperature of Sitka is "about the same aa that of Wushlnetort, D.

nays the state rrifctit of tho Department of Agricul ture muds pabllo today. Varieties of wheat, oats, rye, bar icy, potatoes and many other vegetables have matured every season Hlnce the department Btsirted Us work at lis two experiment stations. One of these stations is about seventy-live miles from the Arctic circle. Chicken raising Is also proving feasible. AUBOTT I'XDKU VIllE.

Congress to Invchtlgale Charges He OrgriniMtl a 1'olltU ul Mai bine la tho Indian Service. (I)Y A. P. NIUMT TO THE TIMKS.J WASIIINGTOX, Jan. 31.

Charges of minus of his official power for political purposes have been, filed againHt former Actlnff Commissioner y. II. Abbott by VUliam Johnson, formerly a worker in the Indian Bureau, for the suppression of the lUnior traffic and will be investigated by the Committee on International Affairs. Senator Kob-liiKon of the committee announced to-day that the charges tho expenditure of public money by Mr. Abbott to organize a political machine In the service; the wrongful exercise of his influence and authority to retain in the service corrupt and inef ficient agents; that he ordered at pub lic expense reservation agents and other employees In the Indian service In remote localities to Washington last winter to attempt to bring about his appointment as Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and that he permitted his political favorites to expend excessive funds on various reservations for the construction of residences, when the funds were badly needed for providing facilities for the Indians." PCXXi: OX PANAMA KXILTBIT.

CHICAGO, Jan. 31. By A. P. NiKht Wire.

The Illinois Panama-Pucific Exposition Commission at its first meeting today was addressed by Gov. Dunne and -viewed three designs for an Illinois building at the exposition. The Legislature appropriated $300,000 for the Illinois exhibit at the San Francisco fair. During the Recent Storm PURITAS DISTILLED WATER Again "Proved Itself The raging, muddy storm waters, laden with injurious substances, made the city water supply unfit for drinking purposes. The one sure, pure drinking water that hundreds depended upon was PURITAS DISTILLED WATER.

It 'is neverj affected by storm; or material Conditions, and comes to you just as pure and spartHing as Inge nuity and care can maMiit. PURITAS is thoroughlyr istilled. This is the only sure proceBb of elimina ting all the germs and mineral and animal substances, so injurious to the human system. We are not merely satisfied with taking the Impurities out we aim to put goodness In. This we accomplish by aerating the water with as much pure ozone as It will take.

This removes the "flat" taste and leaves it sparkling and palatable. Safeguard your home with PURITAS WATER. Five-gallon demijohns cost only 40e. They're delivered FREE within the old city boundary lines. If you live In an outlying district and cannot locate your nearest agent, phone your order direct and we will promptly supply you.

Los Angeles Ice and Cold Storage Company, Home 10053; Main 8191. SFratttisrii anil COaklanl. Hotel Oakland Tourists visiting the San Francisco Bay region are finding it a delight to stop at the new and beautifully appointed $2,000,000 Hotel Oakland. Oakland being on the enst shore of an Franelsoo Bay, Is remarkably free from 'fog and wind. Here you are convenient to the Greek Theater, many miles of fine motor roads, and yet only thirty minutes from San Francisco, with service every twenty minutes.

European Plan. Rates $1.50 to $15.00 per day. Write for Booklet. VICTOR REITER, Manager. HI (r HOTIPB ai at u-4 STEWART San FrancSsco' Geary above Cnlon Square.

European Flan, a day us. American plan 11.19 a day up. steel and fcrlek atructura. Third addt'lon of one hundred rooms bow Every comfort and convenience. A high-class hotel at very moderate rates.

In the center of theater and retail district. On lines transferrin; to all parte of city. Eleo-trie omnibus meets ail trains and auamera Fall particular from our Special Representative. r. F.

BOBtRTSOV. Steamship Dept. CaUf. Savin ra Bank. Uprlne aad rosrta nireeia.

ua Aacelea. A pamiffunfi a 9 A CULLOM'SBODY LYING IN STATE. His Rier in' tlif Capitol lie Built as Governor. The Last American States man of Lincoln's Dau. 7- A Veteran of Uettysburg .1 tr.i.i V-- tha llttrini H'onnff till itlHHUI iiObUlh BY A P.

NIGHT WISH TO THE TDIES-I SPRINGFIELD (111.) Jan. 31. The. body of Shelby M. Cullom in here today in the.

Capitol which was built during his, administration as Governor. From. o'clock to 6 this afternoon two Intermittent lines filed past, looking for the last time on the last American statesman of Lincoln's day. Last night and this morning tb more Intimate friends viewed the body', at tho home of Mrs. Charles RIdgely, mother of the late Senator" son-ln-Iaw, William B.

Ridgely, In consequence of which the merely curious predominated in line today. Owlnar to tha denth of the snow the military guard was not required to escort the hearse from the home to the statehouse, but it was followed' by two closed carriages bearing the ten pallbearers ana. a third vehicle with floral tributes. The coffin wts placed on a platform draped with the national colors, around which were banked wreaths sent by distinguished friends of the late Senator. At the foot of the coffin stood-the bronze figure of a u-nman "Tlllnnls welcominsr tha world." On -this was placed the great wreath of orchids presented by members of the Lincoln Memorial Commission.

On the bier was President ilson's wreath. Other memorial offerings were from Robert T. -Lln-Iu -V Fairbanks, former Vice-President, who served many years in the Senate with Cullom, and from the State National Bank of Springfield, of which Mr. Cullom was president when, thirty years ago, he began his' long service in the Senate. In the lines which walked slowly through the Capitol was Col.

John A. Pattee. a Gettysburg veteran, who followed Lincoln to Oak Ridge Cemetery forty-nine years ago as one of the great military escort under Gen. Joseph Hooker. Tomorrow ho will be in the Cullom train: Of Cullom's intimate assistants of early davs in this city only four sur vive.

Tney are ur. wmiam jayne, John W. Bivnne, Dr. George W. Pass-field and Willis Ridgely.

Excepting Ridgely, all were confined to their homes by the storm today and it is doubtful if they, will be able to attend the funeral tomorrow. 1 it.Ul ka A tA. morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. In the Hall of Representatives, where Dickson has provided seats for 2200. Admittance will be by ticket.

The Rev. Duncan Mac-. 3 If. 11 at Washington," will deliver the sermon, and eulogies will be pronounced rinv Tiirnf Senator Lawrence Y. Sherman and Clinton C.

Conkling, a nioneer lawyer of this city. The coffin will be lowered Into a grave near the Lincoln monument and pear the tomb of the late Gov. Tanner. Senator Cullom's five children and his two. wives preceded him in death and the last space in the burial lot will be occupied with the lowering of his own hody into It.

THE SITUATION IX HAITI. Wa hington Shows Anxiety Ore the Proposed Entry of Theodore TntA 1 All TllllCA. i BY CABLE AND A. P. TO THE TIMES.) PORT AU PRINCE (Haiti) Jan.

31. Another day brought no further, developments In the situation here. Tho detachments from the warships are still, doing duty, and the people T4nrtA A Mm 4 A (It I III CIU 1 lllC U-L TTaiiUia A pectantty for the arrival of the van guard of the revolutionary forces. No word has been heard from1 Senator Davilmar Theodore, who announced himself Insupreme. command of the rebels several days ago and left Cape Haltlen on his advance to the capital, but it is understood, that Gen.

Oreste Cumor, former delegat from Gonaives, has announced his candidacy for the Presidency, and that he left Gonaives today at the head of the troops for Porte au Prince, lie is expeciea to arrive nertr Tuesday. It is possible that Zamor will seize the Presidency on his arrival, as some or tne military aumoruies in the capital have announced them- oeiCS III llio lavvii 1L ia nuunii, (iwn- ever, that Senator Theodore has a large following. WASHINGTON ANXIOUS. i BY A. P.

MUHT WIRE TO THE TIMES.l 1 WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. The entry Into Port au Prince, Haiti, of Gen. Davilmar Theodore, who has sue. ceeded in one.

week's time in over throwing an apparently secure Con- stitutional government, is awaited by anxiety, though the presence of considerable international naval force in the harbor has reassured officiate somewhat. Although American naval officers are without specific instructions, it Ja understood Capt. Robert L. Russell, commander of the. rbattleship Carolina, would not hesitate to.

em. olov any fcrce necessary fihtlnr-within the town -that jeoparoize tne eaieiy or America As the senior 'naval officer present. Capt. Russell's policy would undoubtedly be adopted -by the German, British and French -officers, either present'-or soon to Brrl.v Prince. MADE HOMELESS BY FIRE.

Over Hundred Roys in Vermont ifh stltution Without Vhi School Burned." i- 'r BY A. P. NIOHT WIRE TO THB TIMCS.J VERGENNES (Vt.) Nearly 130 boys, ranglng.fn age from 7 to 13, were made homeless lodajr by a fire which destroyed the. rnafn building of the Vermont Industrial School, a reformatory Institution- of which they were inmates. Through the bovs' efforts, practically all the contents or the' building were saved.

The loss, is about t75ttA0, Nicaragua Chinese Homelewv BLFKfflELDS (Nicaragua)- Jan. St-, Hv riiiirt and A P.l The entire ChincKC section of the city was de SENATOR LANE. Marshall Removes Orcgonian in Parliamentary Way, Criticises Action of the Inter state Committee. Steel Corporation Rehate In quiry Is Postponed. IB A P.

SICHT W1BB TO TUB TIMES. WASHINGTON. Jan. 31. Senator Lane of Oregon wus removed from the floor of the Kcnu*te today, in a parliamentary sense, by Vice-President Marsnall, during his speech on the Interstate Commerce Committee's action on his resolution to investl- ate whether the United States Steel Corporation had received Illegal rebates from railroads.

The Vice-President ruled that Mr. Lane's remarks were a reflection on the committee. enator Newlands, chairman of the ommlttee, and Senators Hoke Smith md Lodge were on their feet at once demanding apologies. Upon motion of Senator James, the Oregon Senator was allowed to proceed and he vithdrew his charges that the re- ort had been "doctored" on demand by Senator Newlands. Just before his attack on the committee, Senator Lane had defended David Lamar, as a person whose "wolfing" wus not to be compared with J.

P. Morgan and Company's manipulation of New Haven affairs. "Yet, Mr. Morgan said his dearest wish," continued Senator Lanei "was for his eon to go on preaching the washing away of sin by the blood of the Redeemer. Then he pulled out of his hip pocket a red bandana and skipped out for glory." "I don't like to have the Senate dragged around as the tool of a blackmailer," said Senator' Root, without rlHing or addressing the chair, but speaking to Senator Cum-minsj Senator Bristow sprang to Ifls feet.

"The Senator from New York said something," he said. "I don't know whether he meant it to go into the Record." Senator Bristow then repeated Sen ator Root's words. "Some persons seem mighty tender when It comes to dlscusslne tho steel trust," added Senator Bristow, "a trust wnoso stock has gone up 10 per cent, and has $500,000,000 of water." Senator Root, risine to a nueKtlnn of personal privilege, expressed his regret that the Senator from Kansas had seen fit to have made a matter of public teeord remarks he had cas ually made to Senator Cummins. henator Stone, Interrupting at that point, declared: The Senator from Kansas Is in the habit of doing those things. Per sonally i am tired of It." At that juncture.

Senator Williams. declaring that the Senators appeared to be In "bad humor," demanded the regular order. Senator Newlands said if Mr. Lane's charge had not been withdrawn he would nronose a committee investigation, "Uh. I've withdrawn it." anlrl Senator Lane, and consideration of tne wnoie subject went over until Aionaay.

THIS ANTI-TItCST PltOGR MMIS. Congressmen Agree that the Bills Suggested by Wilson Will Be lieady on March 1. BY A. P. NIGHT WIRE TO THE TIMES.

WASHINGTON. Jan. 31. Winding up a week of consideration of the administration's anti-trust legislative programme, members of committees of the House snd Senate predicted to day that the bills suggested in Presi dent Wilson's message would be ready ror congress before March 1. Hearings before the House Ju diciary and Interstate Commerce committees, it was announced, would not be prolonged and the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee, with the approval of the President, will receive suggestions by mail from men of affairs interested in the subject instead of conducting formal hearings.

MRS. WILSON SILENT. Takes No Purt In Meeting to Provide Relief for Inmates of Capital Segregated District. fBT A. P.

NIGHT WIRE TO THE TIMES. WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson attended a civic meeting today at which plans were discussed for the relief of inmates of the capital's "redlight district" soon to be wiped out of existence by the new Kenyon law.

The President's wife took no part in the discussion. The movement for relief continues to grow. Mass meetings will be held tomorrow. NOMINATED 1JY WILSON. Princeton Man and a Coloradan Miulc Members of the Interstate Commerce Commission.

BY A P. DAY WmE TO THE TIMES, WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. President Wilson nominated these Interstate Commerce Commissioners: Winthrop More Daniels of Princeton, N. Henry Clay Hall of Colorado Springs, Colo.

Collector of Customs For the District of Iowa, Christian A Nie-meyer of Creston, Iowa. How to Shed a Rough, Chapped or Blotchy Skin (From Beauty's Mirror) Thi3 la what you should do to Bhed a bad completion: Spread evenly over the face, covering every Inch of Bkin, a thin layer of ordinary mercollzed wax. Let this stay on over night, washing it off next mornirg. Repeat dally until your complexion is as clear, soft and beautiful ns a young girl's. This Is no matter how soiled or withered the complexion.

The wax literally absorbs the filmy surface skin, exposing the lovely young skin beneath. The process is entirely harmless, so little of the skin coming off at a time. Mercollzed wax la obtainable at any drug store; one ounce- usually Bufflces. It's a veritable wonder-worker for chapped, reddened, blotchy, pimpled, freckled or sallow skin. Pure powdered saxolite Is excellent for a wrinkled skin.

An ounce of it dissolved In a half-pint witch hazel makes a refreshing wash-lotion. This renders the skin quite firm and gmoofn; Indeed, the very first application erases the finer lines; tho deep er ones soon follow. tho storm will not strike New York, But Boston and the New England States and Eastern Canada will probably feel, its full fury tomorrow. One remarkable feature of the storm In Chicago Is that it came from the southeast, while a stiff wind was blowing from the north. Fully a foot of snow fell and where the wind had action It was piled from four to seven feet in depth, ULESSINO OF TUB STORM.

The storm was a blessing to the thousands, of unemployed men in this city, who were immediately given work at 12 and 12.50 a day. Ten thousand men were given work today and there are calls out for many more. All energies today were devoted to digging the heart of the city out of the drifts and keeping the transportation lines open. In the suburbs transportation was dead. Steam trains were hours late coming and departing.

Indiana received the brunt of the sleet storm. Two persons were killed In Indianapolis. sleet storm was also especially heavy in Northern Ohio and this accounts for the loss of hundreds of telegraph and telephone wires from Chicago to the East, which are massed in the vicinity of Cleveland. The average snowfall In Indiana was ten Inches. The snowfall waa unusually heavy in Michigan.

Snow has been falling in that State almost daily for two weeks and the fresh supply last night filled railway cuts and ravines, stalling trains and interurbans. In Minnesota two men were found frozen to death in snow drifts. a TRAIN WRECK IN BLIZZARD. In the midst of the blizzard in and around Chicago the "Midnight Special," the fastest thain on the Chicago and Alton road between St. Louis and Chicago, was wrecked near Lock-port, 111.

Three persons will probably die of Injuries and The passengers, a majority of them in thin night-clothes, were forced to travel about a mile through the storm to the nearest farm house. It is believed the train was derailed by wreckers, and that an attempt was made to wreck the first relief train sent to the scene. Farmers in the vicinity were notified by telephone and hurried to the assistance of the victims, taking the most seriot.sly injured to hospftals in Joliet and Loekport and others to their homes. All railway lines and tho telegraph and telephone companies have big rorces of men out today and tonight clearing away the wreckage left by the storm and making repairs as rapidly as possible. Tonight the storm has abated in Northern Illinois and it is expected all transportation lines will he cleared tomorrow.

There still remains the vast work of digging the suburbs out of the drifts and clearing the streets of the great mass of snow. Because of lack of wire service, information concerning the ravages of the storm as it travels East is mea ger, but weather experts say it will sweep the entire area north of the Pennsylvania line to the seacoast, being especially severe in Eastern Can ada and the New England, States. COLD IN ALASKA. BY A. P.

NIGHT WIRE TO THE TIMKS.1 SEATTLE (Wash.) Jan. 31. Ex treme cold weather Is reported from Alaska. At Nome yesterday the temperature fell to 38 below zer', which is as low as has ever been reported during seven years of record. Other low temperatures were: Eagle and Tanana, 22 below; Valdez, 4 above.


A dispatch from Indianapolis, said that Joseph M. Walsh, a railroad engineer, and an unidentified man lost their lives from causes due directly to the worst sleet and snowstorm of the winter. Interurban and other sur face lines were tied wp. Many were injured in Cleveland on slippery sidewalks due to the fierce sleet and snowstorm. At Columbus the, storm reached the dimensions of a blizzard, laying out all kinds of traffic and felling telephone poles.

At Marietta the passenger steamer Rainbow, with sixty persons on board, was tossed about helplessly' in the Ohio River for more than an hour. The boat finally lodged against the river bank undamaged. Fort Wayne, was almost cut off from communication with the outside world because of sleet and heavy, snow fall. In Chicago the snow ceased and the weather brightened soon after noon. FORGER SURRENDERS.

Former Councilman of New Jersey Gives Up to See His Wife and Child Again. BY A. P. NIGHT WIRE TO THE TEUES.J ST. LOLTS, Jan.

31. Elwood C. Williams, former Councilman of N. who surrendered to-the police a few days ago and said ne was wanted there lor passing three forged checks, will depart for hi9 home rrobably today or tomorrow free man. For almost three years, Williams tramped from city to city conscience stricken and loneinsr for n.

fiimrrcd of his wife and child. Thursday-he walked Into police headquarters here and told the chief of detectives he could stand the mental torture no longer. He was willing to be taken back to Camden a prisoner and pay the penalty for his crimes. lie wanted to see his wife and babj', he said. Last nleht the noliee in formed from Camden that Williams nad committed the forgeries to which he confessed, but that there was na charee ucninat him.

na tliA noronm. on whom he passed the checks were nis inenas ana declined to prosecute him. SKY DINNER AT U. OF C. Steelworkers Enjoy Turkey at Top Level of the Campanile Just Completed.

BY DIRECT WIRB TO TI1E TIMES. 1 SAN FRANCISCO BUREAU OF THE TIMES, Jan. 31. Exclusive Dispatch. A sky dinner, hoisted in buckets 240 feet to the top level of the State University Campanile, at Berkeley, was this noon served to the fifty steel workers who have completed their work on the giant needle, Joe Kobloth, the chef, who on several occasions has been forced to postponed the spread, superintended the serving of a turkey banquet from a safe position on the ground.

The workmen were given a regulation "Thanksgiving" dinner with turkey and cranberry sauce as the main objects of attack, and on the aerial platform, thirty-five feet Btiuare, they enjoyed the repast with a nonchalance not possessed by the lew invited guests. The work of the steel structure with California stontf win start within a few days. An elevator ana staircase is to be included In the interior, and an observation platform and clock" tower will be features of the completed campanile. Downtown, yet away rrom roe iwiikb. The Southland' Concerts Perelra's Open For Winter Season a.

A Va 11.15; Table d'Hote It promptly open cloged-up uoa-triltt and air piiMsagcs the head, Rtops naety or running, relievos Hick headache, dullnw, feverlshneHH, sore throat, tfneozlng, soreness and stiffness. Don't may stuffed up! Quit blowing and imulTlnK! Kas your throbblntr head! elite in the world (riven Buch prompt relief 'Tape's Cold Compound," whloh eoHts only 2." eentH at any drug store. It acts without ussiKtitncH, tastes nice, cnuma no in-eonvenlence. lie sure ytiti get the genuine. SteaniDMps.

When you go from LOS ANGELES to SAN FRANCISCO and SAN DIEGO go by water. There's no (moke, dirt or noise, no cramped quarters. And to bo sure of getting tl)8 superlative in comfort, pleasure and luxury engage passage on either the Yale or Harvard The Ships with the Perfect Service 62 Passenger License 531 Cnllinrrc Every Sunday, Tues-OdllllJga. Thursdav and Friday to HAN FRANCISCO. Every Thursday and 6aturday to SAN DIKOO.

Through tickets for Portland, Seattle, all i'uget Sound and Alaska points. ROUND TRIP RATES. For Tickets, Folders, apply PACIFIC NAVIGATION CO. 611 S. Spring St.

Phone F2067. Bdwy. 2588. JAPAN Philippines and China We have four Spring Toura from Pan Francisco, March 6th and 21st. Theso ara tba best dates for the Cherry Blossom Festivals Tha cost la low.

The toura embody the BEST TRAVEL HOTELS SERVICE The parties are limited to a membership of twelve only a few placea vacant. Ask for program 7. We sell tickets by rail and steamer everywhere. Thos. Cook Son 515 South Spring; Los Angeles.

Established 1841 mil mm Europe Tha Mediterranean, Riviera, Italy, Italian Lakes. Switzer land, Germany, France, Sluun, Greece, Dal-tUHtian snd other cmiutries. Htuall parties under ewort. Moderate coat. Frnnient departures February to July, Japan and the Philippines Including China and Siberia.

Fob. 12. Shorter toura Mar. 5 snd April 7. Telephone or write today tor lull detail! sud illustrated booklets.

BOO South Spring Street. Tel. Home MM, guiuet Main 1339 The HARVARD SAILS for San Francisco TODAY rasenger License 878. For Folders, Tickets, Apply Pacific Navigation Co. 611 South Spring Street, Los Angeles.

The attractive and pleasant route. Wlntet or Summer. HONOLULU HIO, first-class, round trip (5 '4 flaya from San Francisco.) The most attractive spot on entire world tour. Silenrtid steamers (10,000 ton lUspl of OCKANIO I.1NK sail to Hawaii, every 2 weeks. You can make this trip in 16 days from San Francisco, giving 6 days on the Islands, bydnej, 19 days from Son Francisco.

$300 round trip, first-class. $200 second-ulnss. Send for fold er. Sydney Snort Line, 673 Market Street, San or A. M.

Culver, 334 South street. HONOLULU Magniilcent Pacific Mail, Fteam- Clllrn i raninR -i jr ovt uc)s. Hm AHOUND THB WORL.D TOURS. D. K.

ItOll KKTHON, Agent. California navins jsprms ana rounn ru, irfis Angeles. IN IIEART OF CITT HOTEL SAVOY SEATTLE "Twelve Stories of Solid Confer." In the centre of things theatres and stores on both sides. Building abolutcly fireproof concrete. steel nd marble.

LCROFEAN PIA1-H per J.j.p Wjta Batha 5J per day Bp rfff SS Jcrrccr B9 GSR. Dinner, 1.60. DAVID B. PLUMER, General Manager. Hotel ElsSeore MIDWAY BETWEEN L03 ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO, VIA AUTO.

AUTOMOBILE HEADQUARTERS. SANTA FE TRAINS FROM LOS ANGELES 9 AJtfn 2 PJkl. DAILY. THE ELYRIA APARTMENTS 1JSJ TRENTON STREET 1 block from Pico and Figueroa. Strictly modern, nicely furnished, fully equipped, steam heated.

2 and 8 room apartmenta. Large amusem*nt room. Best car service In the city. Main 783 Home 5108. THE ZELDA APARTMENTS nvT.T WTVie mtvtttfs WAt.K FROM RnOADWAT.

Eleeant Annrtments with sunny out look, view unsurpassed; modern service and conveniences. Both telephone exchanges: Main J341; eosSS Mr. and Mrs. II. W.

La Chat. NOW OPEN mA Most aleirantly furnished, up-to-date apartment hotel in Westlake district I and J-roora apartmenta. All Hftht Big lobby, sun and ladles' parlors, smoking, billiard, amusem*nt rooms. Plenty heat. Elevators.

Best of service. Six minutes from Broadway. 60787 WILSHIRE 4600. GIttg He stmiraulii fllirM6ADWAY CAFETERIA The Cosiest and Handsomest Cafeteria In the City. No.

.03 North Broadway, Opposite Hall of Records. Becond to None. Try one of Our Meals and you will be aure to return. OfR MOTTO IS "Buy the Best Employ the Best Help and Servlea Becond to None." Tour Patronage is Solicited. Meals.

11 to 2 and 5 to Closed Sunday. San San Francisco, Astoria, Portland So Passengor License i4 s.i ast Feb. 7, C. G. KRTJEGER, Dlst.

Pass. .17 8. Bprlng St Phones: Home A8761 Main 1994. NEXT SA1L1NQ So- BEAVER February 2 Salllnsrs 12, 17, 22, 57; March 4, 9, 14, 19. 24, 29.

Cheaper than ataylng at home. return. Feb. 11, SS. Manchuria, tons, and every five days.

TO KEW YORK via Panama Canal Second Great Reduction In Firat Clnss Rates $110 Honolulu and ,000 $120 Los Angeles Leaving Los Angclea Feb. 12, 8.S. Peru, and aveTy 10 davs. $337io Honolulu, Japan, $16712 First China, the Philippines and Return Leaving February 11, S.S. Mnnehurln, 27,000 tons: Fehruarv 20.

3. Tenyo Maru. 22,000 tons; March 4, S.S. Mongolia, 27.0OA tons; March 20, S.s. Phlnyo Maru, iz.uuir ions; aiarco b.b.

umncsota, zt.vnu tons; uud weoKly thereafter. Europe, Panama Canal, Tahiti, Australia 490 First Class Around the World Tour Get your tickets from Mr. Robertson, the onlv agent in Los Anseles who has traveled AHuVNO THE Vt'f'RLD. He baa been six times, has made twenty-five trips across the I'arltio and one hundred and six trips across the Atlantic, He can tell you where to go and how to get there. D.

F. ROBERTSON, Manager Steamship Agency, CALIFORNIA SAVINGS BANK Spring and Fourth Loa Angeles, Ca). stroyed ly tire last night..

The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.